
Press Releases & Public Notices

"Notice the small things. The rewards are inversely proportional."

Liz Vassey

Press Releases



The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has awarded the Town an $860,438 Community Improvement Grant. In partnership with the Western Piedmont Planning District Commission, the Town applied for funding in June 2024. This project includes façade Improvements for properties at 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, and 100 Main Street and 125 Easy Street. Pedestrian improvements along Main Street in Downtown will supplement the façade investments.


These improvements are the first steps toward reinventing Boones Mill’s business district. By eliminating blight, investing in local entrepreneurs and business development, highlighting the Town’s natural assets, and improving connectivity, Boones Mill will begin to redevelop into an economic and cultural focal point for Franklin County and the surrounding region. Many local businesses and property owners who have already signed façade improvement applications are excited about this project and anxious to move forward.


The facade improvements will attract much-needed business investment in Downtown Boones Mill, create a welcoming new public space along Main Street, and provide opportunities for community interactions.

"We are thrilled to have been selected and awarded this great opportunity to make a beautiful setting for the citizens of Boones Mill. We are moving in the right direction for the future of Boones Mill, and this is just the beginning of more great things to come," says Mayor Victor E. Conner.


“This is a tremendous win for our small town,” says B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager. “This investment will ensure the continued growth and economic prosperity of Boones Mill! We are excited to work with DHCD on this project!”


This project's long-term benefits and outcomes for Boones Mill are numerous. It will provide much-needed business investment in Downtown Boones Mill, increase residents’ pride in their Town, and help Boones Mill become a regional tourism destination. The improved aesthetics of the downtown will encourage new investment and entice folks to stop and visit as they travel along U.S. Highway 220.


For additional information, contact B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager, at


September 10, 2024 - The Town of Boones Mill has accepted a “Deed of Gift” from Carter Bank & Trust for two (2) acres of land between the bank branch and Maggodee Creek in downtown Boones Mill. As it will be named, Carter Park is part of a multi-year downtown revitalization project.

Carter Park will preserve larger trees in its southeastern corner, create a green parking lot along its northern edge, add a playground for Boones Mill’s younger residents, and include a plaza centered around a large millstone and “LOVE” sign. Park development will be made possible through public-private partnerships, ensuring the park is a self-sustaining asset for the community. The park’s design emphasizes accessibility and environmental sustainability with pervious parking materials and native plant landscaping.

“We are so grateful and fortunate for the generosity that Carter Bank and Trust has given to our town. The citizens of Boones Mill will now have an opportunity to relax and fellowship with family and friends while enjoying the amenities of our community. Our town was established in 1927, and as mayor, I look forward to seeing Boones Mill continue to provide a place that folks are proud to call home,” says Victor E. Conner, Mayor.

“For years, we have sought meaningful ways to utilize these two acres, and we were thrilled when the Town of Boones Mill approached us about the opportunity to transform it into a community space for all of Boones Mill to enjoy. This project hits at the heart of who we are as an organization. For the last 50 years, our mission has been to enhance and uplift the communities we are part of. Partnering with the Town of Boones Mill to bring Carter Park to life stands as a testament to our commitment to creating opportunities for more people to prosper,” says Litz Van Dyke, CEO Carter Bank.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place in the near future. Details will be announced soon. For additional information, contact B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager, at

Boones Mill Police Department adds new K9 Police Officer

The Boones Mill Police Department would like to introduce the community to K-9 Officer Rex. K9 Officer Rex is a twenty-two (22) month-old Belgian Malinois. He is certified in patrol, tracking, and narcotics. K9 Officer Rex and Chief Kelvin Pruett completed their training with K9 Working Dogs International, LLC at a National K9 Training Center in Elkins, West Virginia in July 2024.

K9 Officer Rex was made possible by a K9 LEAP Grant, a United States Police Canine Association Grant/Adopt A K9 Cop Program Grant, a National Police Dog Foundation Grant, a Walmart Spark Good Local Grant, and an Opioid Relief Funds Grant.

The K-9 Program for the Boones Mill Police Department, its first ever, is funded by grants, donations from community members and civic groups, and funds allocated in the Town budget. Chief Pruett plans to have a plaque established for the K-9 program in the lobby of the Town Hall/Police Department to honor the donors to the program.

Officer Rex has already won the hearts of Town staff and officers and will certainly make friends in the community. Town Council, staff, and the Chief are excited to see him in action and the benefit he will bring to the Department's fight against the trafficking, sale, and possession of illegal narcotics in Boones Mill, Franklin County, and the region.

Chief Pruett has been with the Boones Mill Police Department since 2017 and has been a proactive member of the agency. After becoming Chief in 2022, he started working on efforts to create the K9 Program and is excited the program is now in place with the department. Chief Pruett has eighteen (18) years of experience as a K9 handler and is excited to add the benefits of a K9 program to the police department.

If you would like to donate to the K-9 Program to help with medical costs and upkeep of K-9 Officer Rex please contact the Town of Boones Mill Police Department at 540.334.5404 or via email at and make your donation. All donations go to the care and upkeep of K9 Officer Rex.


Katie Allison

Communications Manager


Town of Boones Mill Receives National Association of Development Organizations 2023 Impact Award


Washington, DC, November 20, 2023 – The Town of Boones Mill, Virginia has received a 2023 Aliceann Wohlbruck Impact Award from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) for Boones Mill 2040, The Town’s Comprehensive Plan project.


Boones Mill 2040, The Town's Comprehensive Plan, was adopted by the Town Council on February 14, 2023. The plan reflects input received from residents, business owners, property owners, and local and state officials. It provides a long-term road map for the sustainable future of Boones Mill.


The plan presents several priority initiatives which include business development, infrastructure improvements, creation of a variety of housing types, preservation of historic structures, and demolition of existing structures beyond the point of reasonable remediation. It is written in a manner easy to understand and includes numerous informational graphics, diagrams, and pictures. It covers topics such as town design, residential development, economic development, town ordinances, flood control, transportation, public services, and education as they relate to the Town.


NADO is a Washington, DC-based membership association of regional development organizations that promotes programs and policies that strengthen local governments, communities, and economies through regional cooperation, program delivery, and comprehensive strategies. The Impact Awards program recognizes regional development organizations and their partners for improving the economic and community competitiveness of our nation’s regions and local communities. 


Award-winning projects were recognized during NADO’s 2023 Annual Training Conference held in Cleveland, Ohio on November 7-10. The 2023 class of award recipients consists of 107 projects from 71 organizations spanning 28 states. These projects are presented in an interactive story map developed by NADO that includes project summaries, partners, and images. The map is available online at  


“NADO’s Impact Awards program provides a yearly opportunity for us to publicly commend the indispensable services delivered by our members to their local communities,” said 2022-2023 NADO President Chris Fetzer, executive director of the Northern Arizona Council of Governments, located in Flagstaff, AZ. “These projects not only made positive impacts in their respective regions, but also underscore the incredible diversity of programs and resources offered by regional development organizations that promote vibrant, resilient, and thriving communities.”


The NADO Impact Awards are presented in honor of the late Aliceann Wohlbruck who served as NADO’s first executive director for 24 years as a tireless champion for regional approaches to economic development in rural communities.

For more information about this award-winning project, contact B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager at 540.334.5404 or and/or Joe Bonanno, Senior Planner, West Piedmont Planning District Commission at 276.638.3987 or


About NADO

The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) promotes public policies that strengthen local governments, communities, and economies through the regional strategies, coordination efforts, and program expertise of the nation’s regional development organizations. Learn more about NADO at

Town Council Adopts “Boones Mill 2040, The Town’s Comprehensive Plan” February 14, 2023


Boones Mill 2040, The Town's Comprehensive Plan, was adopted by Town Council at its meeting on February 14, 2023, at 6 pm. The plan reflects input received from residents, business owners, property owners, and local and state officials. It provides a long-term road map for the sustainable future of Boones Mill.


The plan presents four priority initiatives which include business development, improvements to U.S. Route 220, creation of a variety of housing types, and preservation of historic structures and demolition of existing structures beyond the point of reasonable remediation. It is written in a manner easy to understand and includes numerous informational graphics, diagrams, and pictures. It covers topics such as town design, residential development, economic development, town ordinances, flood control, transportation, public services, and education as they relate to the Town.


Town Council and staff would like to recognize and thank the Western Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC), the Boones Mill Planning Commission, residents, property owners, businesses, and community leaders who have been involved in the planning process! Your input has been essential in making the plan a vision for Boones Mill’s future!


The adopted plan is available here.


For additional information, contact B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager, at

Town Council Adopts Downtown Revitalization Plan January 24, 2023


The Town of Boones Mill applied for and was awarded $50,000 from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), to create a Downtown Revitalization Plan to eliminate blight and encourage new investment in Downtown Boones Mill. This plan incorporates and reflects public input gathered on multiple occasions during the planning process. Town Council adopted the plan on January 24, 2023, at 3 pm. The adopted plan is available for download below via the Town’s website at:


The plan presents four initial high-priority initiatives which include façade improvements to existing structures, Main Street improvements in the form of a more defined streetscape, intersection improvements at Church Hill Street and Easy Street, and a creek walk along Maggodee Creek. Future initiatives are included in the plan as well. Additional items in the plan include an economic restructuring plan and market analysis.


The Town will use this plan to apply for a CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Community Improvement Grant that will provide funds to implement the plan. CDBG Community Improvement Grants are competitive grants that aid eligible localities in implementing projects that will most directly impact the community's greatest needs. This application will be submitted in the spring of 2023.


For additional information, contact B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager, at


November 2, 2021

Western Virginia Water Authority acquires Town of Boones Mill water and wastewater system

The Western Virginia Water Authority (Authority) and the Town of Boones Mill (Town) are pleased to announce that the Authority acquired the Town’s water and wastewater utility system November 1, 2021. While the Town’s system had been operated by the Authority for the past three years, the Authority will now own the system and benefit from the increased customer base and water supply.

The Town’s Utility System consisted of 205 active water customers served by a water treatment and distribution system that includes a spring and associated distribution piping. The treatment plant was renovated less than 10 years ago and is in good condition. The wastewater system includes a treatment pond permitted for 30,000 gpd and the associated collection system. There are 63 active sewer accounts.

This acquisition will allow the Town to eliminate some debt service and provide a reduction in rates for its utility customers. Town customers will see their monthly water rates decrease 40% from $50/month to $30/month while sewer rates will decrease by 25% less ($50/month to $37.50/month). B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager states “For quite a while, it has not been financially feasible for the Town to operate the system. The elimination of debt service on the system in addition to proceeds from the sale has placed the town in a much more sustainable financial position for the future while also benefiting public safety and economic development in the Town. We are excited about this next chapter and are grateful to have a wonderful partnership with the Authority!”

The water treatment facility in the Town will provide a redundant source of water in the US 220 South corridor for Authority customers and provide infrastructure to expand into the northern portion of Franklin County. “The additional customer base and water supply will benefit customers in Franklin County and provide a redundant source of drinking water to meet long-range water supply and economic development needs for the greater region” according to Michael McEvoy, Executive Director Western Virginia Water Authority.

Staff from the Western Virginia Water Authority will continue to manage the treatment facilities, distribution and collection systems.


The Western Virginia Water Authority employs over 300 employees to provide drinking water for the City of Roanoke and the Counties of Roanoke, Franklin and Botetourt. Sanitary wastewater service is provided for the greater Roanoke Valley. At the Roanoke Regional Water Pollution Control Plant, an average of 37-million gallons of wastewater is treated daily from all jurisdictions in the Roanoke Valley. Additional information on the Authority is available on our website at


The Town of Boones Mill, a Virginia's Blue Ridge Community, is located in Franklin County, Virginia. In 1927, the Town was incorporated, encompassing approximately 525 acres. Boones Mill is one of only two municipalities in Franklin County. Additional information about the Town is available on our website at

For information contact:

Sarah Baumgardner, Director of Public Relations

Western Virginia Water Authority

Office 540.283.2905/ Cell 540.915.1868

B.T. Fitzpatrick, III, Town Manager

Town of Boones Mill


Boones Mill LOVE Sign

October 20, 2021

The Town of Boones Mill unveiled its newest addition just in time for the 43rd Annual Boones Mill Apple Festival. After a long wait and much planning, the new LOVE sign was installed in front of Carter Bank and Trust on Friday, October 15th. Boones Mill Town Council member, Sarah Eames, designed the iconic sign to display key features representative of the Town’s heritage. Each letter in the LOVE sign represents a piece of the Town’s history that still lives on today through the annual Apple Festival and the restoration of the Boones Mill N&W Railway Depot among others. Several businesses and volunteers offered their support to make the LOVE sign project a success for the Town. Carter Bank and Trust provided the location for the sign which can be seen by anyone traveling along U.S. Highway 220. Titan Trains cut the letters from aluminum, PostScript Art Studios created the colorful graphic work, and Boone Dominion Process Company provided the structural components and assisted in the installation of the sign. The Boones Mill Volunteer Fire Department also assisted in erecting the sign.

“The LOVEWORKS program provided Boones Mill a wonderful opportunity to share our LOVE for the Town with residents and visitors alike! The Town is grateful for the partnerships with the local businesses that made the sign a reality! We look forward to sharing our LOVE of Boones Mill with everyone coming to and passing through Town! We LOVE Boones Mill!” states B.T. Fitzpatrick III, Town Manager. Mr. Fitzpatrick oversaw the LOVE sign project which was made possible through a grant from the Virginia Tourism Corporation.


September 30, 2020

Boones Mill Announces Second Round of Small Business Recovery Grants

“Reinvigorate Boones Mill (Round Two)”

The Town of Boones Mill is pleased to announce a second round of grant funding to support small business recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak. “Reinvigorate Boones Mill (Round Two)” provides grant funding for full-time, self-employed business owners (sole proprietors) and for businesses with employees that did not receive a grant in the first round of funding. One-time grants of up to $2,500 for full-time, self-employed business owners and up to $5,000 for businesses with employees are being provided to offset business impacts during the pandemic. The grant program will be administered by the Town of Boones Mill Industrial Development Authority with assistance from the Town. Applications are due by Wednesday October 28, 2020, at 4:30 pm. These funds were made available from the local allocation of a federal CARES Act grant.

The application is available for download at

Grants will be awarded on a first come first serve basis beginning September 30, 2020.

Please return or mail paper applications in a sealed envelope to:

Town of Boones Mill Economic Development Authority

Attention: B.T. Fitzpatrick

Town of Boones Mill

77 Jacob Boon L ane

Boones Mill, Virginia 24065


July 16, 2020

Boones Mill Announces Small Business Recovery Grants

“Reinvigorate Boones Mill”

The Town of Boones Mill is pleased to announce the establishment of a $20,000 grant fund to support small business recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak. “Reinvigorate Boones Mill” will provide one-time grants of up to $2,000 to offset business impacts during the pandemic. These funds were made available from the local allocation of a federal CARES Act grant. The grant program will be administered by the Town’s Economic Development Authority with assistance from the Town of Boones Mill.

The application is available for download at

Grants will be awarded on a first come first serve basis beginning on July 20, 2020, at 9:00 am. Please note no applications (digital or paper) will be accepted before July 20, 2020, at 9:00 am.

Please return or mail paper applications in a sealed envelope to:

Town of Boones Mill Economic Development Authority

Attention: B.T. Fitzpatrick

Town of Boones Mill

77 Jacob Boon Lane

Boones Mill, Virginia 24065

Public Notices

None at this time.

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