Brighten Boones Mill for the Holidays

Brighten Boones Mill for the Holidays Fundraising Campaign

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

The fundraising goal is $15,000!


Boones Mill is a 501-C-3 tax-exempt entity.

The "Brighten Boones Mill for the Holidays" fundraising Campaign offers residents and businesses an opportunity to donate financially to cover the cost of new holiday decorations and to be recognized for their generosity to the Boones Mill community.

The Town currently cooperates with American Electric Power (AEP) to display lighted Christmas decorations throughout the Town and along U.S. Highway 220 during the months of December and January each year. Thirteen (13) AEP poles are wired with outlets for the decorations. Commercial decorations cost hundreds of dollars each, and the Town, as much as it would like to, does not have the means to purchase new decorations.

Help Boones Mill shine brightly during the Christmas season, please make a donation to help cover the cost of these new decorations.


Decorations available for sponsorship are shown in the column on the right.  Other decorations may include banners on non-electrified poles.


The fundraising goal of $15,000, covers everything, including shipping, pole brackets, and future maintenance of the decorations.

Decorations will be purchased as funds allow.


Promotional benefits for Donors include


$1000 Gold Sponsor

Company name and logo on the campaign webpage, Christmas Festival T-Shirts, banners and flyers for the Town's Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony. Your {business} name will also be mentioned by the emcee during the Christmas parade. Also included are social-media post(s) specifically recognizing and thanking you on the Town of Boones Mill Facebook page and Boones Mill Group Facebook page. Your name and/or business name will be put on a permanent plaque honoring donors at Carter Park.

$600 Silver Sponsor

Company name and logo on the campaign webpage and advertising flyers for the parade and lighting ceremony.

Make Your Donation!

Donations may be made online (see above), via check, or cash. Checks should be mailed to the:

Town of Boones Mill

ATTN: Town Clerk/Treasurer

77 Jacob Boon Lane

Boones Mill, Virginia, 24065

Cash donations should be dropped off at Town Hall.

Donations may be made in installments. These installments must be coordinated with Donna Hadley-Wires, Town Clerk/Treasurer via phone at 540.334.5404 or via email at

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